How will I receive my products after my order?

Digital products purchased on Etsy are available directly from your account, under the “Purchase and Reviews” category. You can download them directly after purchase.

Digital products purchased on Gumroad are available directly from your account, under the “Library” category. You can download them directly after purchase.

As a reminder, no physical product will be delivered to you.

How and with what can I modify my files?

After downloading, open your files with a PDF reader (Google Chrome and Microsoft Edge recommended). Select a blue area with your mouse and click. The latter then becomes modifiable. You can enter your text and move to the next box then print.

As a reminder, the color of the blue areas does not appear when printed, only the text entered will be printed.

Can I use a PDF reader other than Google Chrome and Microsoft Edge?

Yes, however there may be slight differences in the fonts used. Not all readers support them equally. First try with your usual reader and if you encounter difficulties you can open them with the recommended readers afterwards.

Can I use the products without printing them, from my tablet or my computer for example?

Yes, you can annotate your files on your tablet or computer in a PDF reader.

To remove the blue modification areas, you can leave them blank or fill them in as indicated above (“How and with what can I modify my files?”), then proceed to a PDF print (by selecting “Print PDF” or “Print to a file” in the choice of printer). The generated file will reflect your changes and remove all blank blue areas.

Can I share purchased files or resell them?

No, you cannot share the purchased files or even resell them, they are strictly reserved for personal use with unlimited reuse in number or duration.

However, you can post photos in which the purchased products appear. Please simply state that it is not your intellectual property.

Why are some products only available on Gumroad and not on Etsy?

It’s no secret that Etsy and Gumroad charge their sellers different types of fees.

Currently only Gumroad offers free online posting of new products and that is why for some of them (holiday, seasonal, niche products, etc.) I favor this store.

However, if you absolutely want to go through Etsy for your purchase, do not hesitate to contact me. I can create a custom listing for you to place your order.